Sunday, January 1, 2012



Hello friends and welcome to my (sort of) new blog! A few years ago, I started Happy Habits as a way to keep track of all of the home and DIY projects I wanted to do. But I didn't have a clear idea of what I wanted it to be, and I was undecided about what I thought about this whole blogging thing, anyway.

After all, as a freelance writer I get paid to write for a living. I love to write, but I didn't see much point in devoting my limited work hours to unpaid projects. I quickly forgot about Happy Habits, but not about blogs. I have grown to love blogs and the diverse perspectives and ideas they offer.

One of my goals for 2012 is to be better at journaling and documenting our family life. This blog is an effort to record the things that make me happy. I am a huge believer in positive thinking and in the power of daily actions in transforming our lives. I hope to share projects, recipes, resources and other "habits" that make me a happier woman, mother and wife. Thanks for reading!


  1. I was so excited to see this post pop up on my Reader. Welcome back to blogging! Can't wait to see more.

  2. Ashley, I can't believe you had this still on your Reader! Thanks for clicking over to check it out.
